I did forward this to a friend. I applaud getting on with your writing! I really enjoyed your articles in Daily Nutmeg and miss them. I’m glad I found this newsletter, a little late to the game. I’ll be celebrating 81 on All Saints Day. Gee, how did that happen!

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Wow, happy birthday, Linda! And I'm glad you're here, too. :)

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Hi Kathy,

I have forwarded your birthday posting to some of the best readers and writers I know. Only one (Carla) already knows and admires you in so-called “real life.” I’m already sure I’d feel the same way. What you say here so honestly really resonates with me. I am inspired by your resilience, positive attitude, and discipline. Since finding your site, I’ve been having many “mental conversations” with you, but I’ve not always been telling you about them. I’m wishing you well from Umbria where I live for much of the year, but perhaps we can connect during the months I’m back in New Haven. In the meantime, avanti! ✍️📬

PS: Have you been tempted to join Shepherd’s imminent “3 Favorite Reads of the Year” venture? One of the goals is to help writers draw attention to their books. For me, this is a followup to the “5 favorite books” I did for this ambitious free site.


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Thanks, Diane! That's so nice to hear! I hope we'll get to meet in person someday, too. And I did see the call from Shepherd for 3 Favorite Reads. I'll have to take a closer look...

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Kathy Leonard Czepiel

Ben says the first round of the Favorite Reads is scheduled for publication tomorrow, but he intends to keep going. I’m sure he would enjoy hearing from you about this, and I’d like to hear your choices. It’s a challenging prompt, especially given the short word count he specifies, but I found it a useful exercise. He says he did his own in just a few minutes! Ha! Slowpoke that I am, I took months to think about it, ages to whittle it down, and I still barely made his deadline.🫤

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I love your epistolary approach to life and your five book collation. I read all 17 volumes of Clarissa in an early edition when I was an undergrad English major at Vassar but haven't thought much about the genre recently except Postcards From the Edge.

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Ciao, Linda, You’re the second person to mention Clarissa to me recently, and even though life gets shorter all the time, I think I need to tackle it. It came up because of my passion for writing letters to writers who have meant so much to me. Even an unsent letter can have power. Kafka’s unforgettable letter to his father is an example. Fortunately for me, my own father was nothing like his, and my Dear Dad letter seems to be a favorite with readers.

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Happy birthday! I admire your resilience & determination and have so enjoyed discovering Better Book Clubs this year!

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Thanks, Lauren!

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Congratulations! Have the party! Make it potluck at a park. Or I have some ideas for inside places. It would be a tremendous treat to meet you and others who follow you.

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Aw, thanks, Linda! Maybe if we could get a few local book clubs together that would be fun...

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