
Update: I listened to 4/5 of Lab Girl on audio, and then my loan expired and I was forced to switch to print. Now I miss hearing Jahren's voice telling her own story--though I feel I know it well enough that I can still sort of hear her as I read the last few chapters on my own.

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I don't start with A, it's random. But I spied the Z on the new books shelf and grabbed it. Only have U. V and Y left. Happy Veteran's Day!

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Hi Kathy....I’m reading Lost Believers by Irina Zhorov (I need a Z author for my personal alpha challenge). It’s about two geologists in Soviet Russia who discover a family in a remote hut in Siberia in the ‘70’s and then befriend them. The family live quite austerely and are amazed at what the geologists bring to share. It’s quite different but interesting.

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What will you do after Z??

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